Ozempic/Saxenda shortages

For patients experiencing difficulty in getting their supply of Ozempic or Saxenda, we share your frustrations. Regrettably, we do not have an alternative injection for weight management at this point in time. New medications are coming  for weight management, but it will be some time before they get here. If your supply is interrupted, please…

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How should I check my breasts?

There’s no right or wrong way to check your breasts. But it’s important to know how your breasts usually look and feel, in other words get to know your breasts. That way, you can spot any changes quickly and report them to your GP. Be breast aware Every woman’s breasts are different in terms of…

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Need help to stop smoking?

We all know that smoking is bad for you and that 1 in 2 smokers will die of a tobacco-related disease. When you stop smoking, you: reduce your risk of life-threatening diseases reduce the risk to your family from second hand smoke save money have better skin, teeth and hair have nicer smelling clothes as…

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Help I’m not sleeping!

Sleep is important for your health. Most people need 5 to 9 hours sleep a night. More than 7 hours is recommended for adults. The ideal amount is 8 hours, but everyone is different. You may not be getting enough sleep if you regularly: wake up feeling tired have trouble getting up feel tired and…

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Long acting Contraceptive Services

At Clann Medical Centre we provide a full range of contraceptive services including insertion, removal or replacement of long-acting reversible devices such as the Implanon (Bar in the arm) and Mirena/Kyleena/Copper IUDs (commonly known as coils). Please contact the surgery if you wish to schedule an appointment to discuss your contraceptive needs. Information on LARC…

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